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Showing posts from April, 2022

SUNY Buffalo State College celebrates 22nd anniversary of the Center for China Studies

Visiting scholar Peng Zhuang presenting Buffalo State College Center for China Studies 22nd anniversary exhibit photo credit: Cait Malilay The State University of New York College at Buffalo's Center for China Studies celebrated its 22nd anniversary last week with exhibits in the Student Union and Butler Library. Because of the pandemic, as with many other school events, the center didn’t get an opportunity to celebrate their 20th anniversary. “Before the COVID-19 pandemic, we did some other kinds of activities like Chinese landscape painting and performances,” said Peng Zhuang, a visiting scholar from Xinxiang University. The mission of the center is “to promote and coordinate research, scholarly exchanges, academic programs and economic development with China,” as well as offer an international perspective to students, faculty, staff and the general community in Western New York. photo credit: Cait Malilay Zhuang has been in Buffalo for about a year and is originally from Henan,...

Calling all readers!! English department book sales benefit scholarly research

photo credit: Cait Malilay English department Chair Lisa Berglund launched a semiweekly book sale initiative this spring where all proceeds will benefit student and non-tenure faculty research and travel. The idea to start this fundraiser goes as far back as 2019. After Berglund’s mother passed away, she left thousands of books. “They were all over my dining room, and then I had this idea like, why not sell them and benefit the department?” she said. In addition to the 75 boxes, some retiree professors began donating their books once they heard about the initiative. After being open for a month, she sold about $150 worth of books. “Some people come back more than once. I can tell you, Dr. Mark Fulk is spending a lot of money,” she said. “He comes in like every two weeks and leaves with another five or six books!” There are many choices from mystery and detective novels to older fiction. English majors may wonder if some of the titles include those that we read in our classes, and the a...