'The Willie Lynch Letter and The Making Of A Slave' is a sinister inside look of the psychology of a slaveholder in the antebellum American South
The 30-page book contains a speech given by William Lynch, a white slave owner, in 1712 on the James River in Virginia. "keep the body and take the mind" - Willie Lynch This is Lynch's recommendation and method for breaking down black men and women and making them into slaves. He compares the breaking down of human to a horse. His racist view of them is that in their "natural state," they are "wild" and "uncivilized" (14-15). There was a separate method in psychologically breaking down women compared to men, but in both cases fear was the slaveholders' main weapon. Though a short read, it is absolutely disturbing. People say that when art — in this case, literature — makes you feel something or draws emotion to you, you know it's worth your time. My stomach turned with every page. It was absolutely disturbing to read the mindset of a slave owner, actually so disturbing that I had to read it in two sittings. It's not that it was a ...